Relieved from jet lag in one treatment
Changing biorhythms due to jet lag or shift work leads to poor sleep, non-optimal functioning and disorientation. With our Jetlag protocol, dem disturbed internal clock can be corrected to bring it back in sync with solar time at the point of arrival or at bedtime.
Raymedy helps immediately.

Raymedy can fix it though
Jet lag is an energetic imbalance that you can fix easily and quickly with Raymedy. The mainstream health care system has no therapy for this but Raymedy has developed a special protocol for it. It helps with any disturbance of the internal clock so not only after air travel but also after a period of irregular shifts.
Fix your own jet lag in 10 minutes
With the ReadMe and PowerMe, you can get yourself right back to normal in no time. Choose from the protocols the protocol for the time of arrival or the time of when you want to treat yourself, such as before going to bed after coming off the night shift, or the time at which you wake up at night. After a treatment about ten minutes, the jet lag is gone.

Never jet lag again
With the ReadMe and PowerMe launched last year, you can help yourself get rid of jet lag. That’s not all, however. You can also use this equipment to treat a wide range of other complaints such as injuries, migraines and prostate problems.
More on jet lag
Our biorhythms are important to our health. A biological clock in sync with time is very important for sleep. Recent research has shown that a natural biorhythm is important for many more functions of our body. No process in our body escapes the biorhythm.
Irregular shifts, jet lag, irregular life, it directly affects our health. Often a disturbance cannot be avoided: After all, you don’t stay down when the baby needs to be fed. We all know how debilitating that can be. If you work night shifts or fly frequently to faraway destinations, that is also a drain on resilience, and in the long run it is undermining. A range of symptoms are related to jet lag, e.g., a weakening of the immune system, mood swings, metabolic problems, disorientation. It is estimated that about half the population in large cities has a day-night rhythm that does not match their daily schedule. You can suffer considerably from that. People call this ‘social jet lag’ ( Philips, M.L, 2009: Circadian rhythms: of owls, larks and alarmclocks. Nature, 458, 142-144).
We are familiar with the organ clock and the fact that within a twenty-four hour period each meridian has its own energy peak. A familiar phenomenon for us is that a person often wakes up at the time of a meridian with an energy deficiency or obvious asymmetry. In our brain, more precisely in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, sits our body’s central clock. It is leveled by daylight every day. In addition, all cells and organs have their own internal clock, driven by a set of genes called clock genes. These clock genes, in turn, give rhythm to other genes. It is now known that between 10 and 20% of all our genes in an organ are turned on and off in a daily rhythm. You can say that every process in our body is influenced by the rhythm of the day. If that is an open door, then surely an open door behind which lies a Raymedy solution.
Treatment via therapist
For very serious injuries or chronic complaints or disorders, we recommend a visit to a Raymedy therapist. The therapist scans for effective treatment frequencies.
Get started yourself?
Injuries, complaints or conditions can be self-treated with the PowerMe. Your therapist creates a treatment plan that you carry out at home. The app provides step-by-step instructions.