Raymedy therapist and self-treatment
Enlist Raymedy therapist
Raymedy has its own network of therapists. These therapists have trained with Raymedy and are skilled in performing measurements and treatments. To this end, they have our professional Raymedy equipment at their disposal.
You can find a Raymedy therapist near you using our convenient search function on the Find a Therapist page.
Treating yourself with ReadMe and PowerMe
To treat yourself, you must first purchase the ReadMe and PowerMe.
- After purchase, you will receive the ReadMe wristband with Readme measurement pen, the PowerMe treatment unit and a link to our Read&PowerMe smartphone app for iPhone. (Android is in production)
- You launch the Raymedy app and answer some questions about your mental state and physical health.
- You use the ReadMe to measure a number of energy points on your fingers and toes, your body’s energy balance. Two measurements are taken:
Impedance measurement
This resistance measurement measures where your meridians are not flowing properly. We measure at the beginning and end points of these meridians because then it is easier to see where the complaint is. The 24 measurements are painless and precise.
- The ReadMe pen wirelessly transmits the results to the ReadMe app. It uses the measurement data to analyze the energy balance in the various meridians. Once everything is mapped out, the ReadMe app generates a treatment plan with the PowerMe and sets it up wirelessly. This treatment focuses on restoring the energy balance in your meridians and thereby resolving or reducing your symptoms.
- The ReadMe app gives you precise instructions on where and how long to hold the PowerMe. This way you easily treat your energy points yourself and feed them with the right energy.
- After the first treatment, you usually notice an immediate reaction because an immediate restoration of energy balance occurs. You then perform this treatment regularly until your symptoms are sufficiently or completely reduced. With each measurement, you can see how far recovery has occurred.
The treatment has restored your balance in your body and you have gained a better understanding of your own energy attitude but now it is up to you to stay in balance. The app will pass along various health recommendations and makes connections between your behavior and the effects on your meridians. You can also choose to engage a therapist through the app. You can send the measurement results directly through the app, and the therapist will contact you to discuss them. If he or she deems it wise, you will be invited for a personal consultation at the practice.